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Trials & Revelations


Are you reflecting on your past as the children leave the nest?

Are you wondering how to break free from constant triggers of past traumas?

Have you been Questioning the effectiveness of suppressing your emotions and avoiding the real issues?



Are you reflecting on your past as the children leave the nest?

Are you wondering how to break free from constant triggers of past traumas?

Have you been Questioning the effectiveness of suppressing your emotions and avoiding the real issues?

Are you seeking ways to keep busy while still addressing the core problems?

Are you ready to embrace acceptance and realise that you are not alone in your experiences?

Are you ready for a transformative journey?

Do you want to feel inspired and empowered?

Are you looking for insights on effectively dealing with your trauma?

Are you ready to develop the confidence to openly discuss your experiences?

Are you seeking a new level of confidence and self-assurance?

If you find yourself pondering these questions and you are yearning to break free, then this is the book you need.

“Kwadw(o) Naya: Baa Ankh Em Re A’lyun Eil”


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